If the facts don't support your agenda...make something up.
-- Changing Tides: Research Center Under Fire for 'Adjusted' Sea-Level Data ... The University of Colorados Sea Level Research Group decided in May to add 0.3mm every year to its actual measurements of sea levels, sparking criticism from experts who called it an attempt to exaggerate the effects of global warming. --
I think it's Fox News and the Heartland Institute that are pushing an agenda. (What is your point in posting this? Do you really doubt that the earth is warming and SL is rising?)
The graph I just looked at shows just over a one inch increase from about 1994 to about 2004. That's about ten times the amount of this refinement of their measurements of .3 mm per year. The 'expert' that Fox is quoting is a lawyer with Heartland, not a climate scientist, BTW. In that story, this lawyer, James M. Taylor, is quoted: 'We’ve seen only 7 inches of sea level rise in the past century and it hasn’t sped up this century', but earlier in the same story, this same lawyer says: 'Gatekeepers of our sea level data are manufacturing a fictitious sea level rise that is not occurring'. So you can't get a clear idea from this Fox News 'expert' whether SL rise is occurring or not.
Help me understand. Why do people want to rely on Fox as a source of news? Is it not obvious that they have an agenda that colors how they report?
What exactly do you think Colorado University is making up?
A cure for what ails the planet - (make the big problems MUCH smaller) - a sustainable and more just civilization: http://gaiabrain.blogspot.com/2011/04/natural-law-requires-respect-of-public.html
Why are liberals do Fearful of FOX News?
Is it not obvious that FOX has an agenda that colors how they report?
What exactly do you think Colorado University is making up?
So... Is global warming occurring on Mars?
Why do you ask?
Is it happening on Mars?
I don't know. But since my actions have no bearing on whether Mars' climate might be changing, it seems a meaningless question, (Meaningless in the sense that it makes no difference in how I should choose to live my life. What does it mean? = what difference does it make?)
What it means is that it's all about politics and power- not "saving" the Earth.
Through our collective actions (mostly habits of convenience and choice among the more affluent on the planet) we are inducing a rather abrupt change in climate. Plants and animals living at higher altitudes and latitudes may soon be unable to survive. This matters if we believe that a more diverse community of life embodies more beauty and goodness. It matters if we believe that other forms of life on Earth exist for their own sake and not merely as means to our ends.
How did man create Global warming on Mars?
There is a way to end extreme poverty in the world AND limit our impacts on the environment in an efficient and fair way that is consistent with democratic principles...
... and you choose to ask nonsense questions ... as a kind of distraction I might guess. But you can speak to your motives as to why you do what you do better than I can.
You can't answer because you realize it undermines the very foundation of your argument on global warming. Typical liberal tactics: if you cant win, then attack, smear, or denigrate the opponent personally.
And yes there is a way to end extreme poverty in the world within the framework of a Democratic Republic. It is called Economic Opportunity through Capitalism.
Well, I find this whole exchange rather disturbing. My friend and I used to have debates about creationism vs. evolution. (I haven't actually seen him in about 30 years.) I don't think either of us was swayed in our views, although I did learn a lot of biology as a result of my being challenged to defend a theory. Here I use the word 'theory' as meaning something more weighty and significant and predictive than a 'fact'. My friend would use the word in the sense of a conjecture, guess or hunch.
Ignorance is dangerous. We may not succeed in solving the challenges we face if we fail to understand the world we live in sufficiently well.
One thing I can say for my friend: He is a kind person. He has a good heart.
Natural law requires respect of public AND private property rights
Al Gore - Climate of Denial - Rolling Stone A very good article by Gore discussing the current effects of climate disruption, the political situation and challenges. Sadly, he makes no mention of economic externalities as such, equal ownership of natural resources or the ecological benefit of moving to a plant-based diet (relevant to the 'What to do?' question).